Linked list consists of a series of nodes. Each nodes contains the element and a pointer which points to the next node. The last node's next link points to NULL.
use the pointer to describe the logical relationship
templateclass List{ public: List(); int size(); bool empty(); bool full(); ... protected: int count; Node *head; //当声明一个linked时,只会拥有一个头指针}template struct Node{ List_entry entry; // data Node *next; // point to the next node Node(); Node(List_entry, Node *link=NULL);}
(1)two types of insert
New(S) S->data=a; q->next=S; S->next=p;
New(S) S->data=a; S->next=p->next; p->next=S;
(2) create a linked list
In order to create a linked list, we have this algorithm
①To create a head
②To create new node S
③Insert S
void CreateList(Head){ new(Head); Head->next=NULL; scanf("%c",ch); while(ch<>'#')do { new(S); S->data=ch; S->next=Head->next; Head->next=S; }}
void CreateList(Head){ new(Head); Head->next=NULL; Last=Head; scanf("%c",ch); while(ch<>'#')do { new(S); S->data=ch; S->next=NULL; Last->next=S; Last=S; }}
(3)insert an element at location i
Status ListInsert L(LinkList &L, int i, DataType e){ LinkList p, s; p=L; int j=0; while(p&&jnext; j++; } if(!p) return ERROR; s=(LinkList)malloc(sizeof(LNode)); s->data=e; s->next=p->next; p->next=s; return OK;}
Status ListDelete(LinkList &L, int i){ LinkList p, q; p=L; int j=0; while(p&&jnext; j++; } if(!p) return ERROR; q=p->next; p->next=q->next; free(q);}
Status ListSearch(LinkList &L, int i){ LinkList p; int j=0; while(p&&jnext; j++; } if(!p)return ERROR; e=p->next; return OK;}
Status ListSearch(LinkList &L, DataType e){ LinkList p; p=L; int j=0; while(p&&(p->next)!=e) { p=p->next; j++; } if(!p) { cout<<"Not found"<
3、circular linked list
4、Doubly linked list
C++style code
//C++style构建链表,有头结点//operations/*LenList(L)链长GetElem(i, e)换值SearchElem(e, i)按值查找InertElem(i, e)插值DeleteElem(i) 删值*/templatestruct Node{ Type data; Node *next;};template class LinkList{public: LinkList() { head = new Node ; head->next = NULL; len = 0; Type ch; Node *p; while (cin >> ch) { p = new Node ; p->data = ch; p->next = head->next; head->next = p; len++; } } ~LinkList() { Node *p = head; while (p->next) { DeleteElem(); } delete head; } //LenList(L)链长 int LenList() { return len; } //InertElem(e)从尾插值 void InsertElem(Type e) { Node *p = head; while (p->next) { p = p->next; } Node *q = new Node ; q->data = e; q->next = p->next; p->next = q; len++; } //InertElem(i, e)从第i位插值 void InsertElem(int i, Type e) { Node *p = head; int j = 0; while (p->next && j next; } Node *q = new Node ; q->data = e; q->next = p->next; p->next = q; len++; } //GetElem(i, e)换值 void GetElem(int i, Type e) { int j = 0; Node *p = head; while (p->next && j next; } p->next->data = e; } //DeleteElem(i) 第i位删值 void DeleteElem(int i) { int j = 0; Node *p = new Node; while (p->next && j next; } Node *q = p->next; p->next = q->next; delete q; len--; } //DeleteElem() 尾删值 void DeleteElem() { Node *p = head; while (p->next->next) { p = p->next; } Node *q = p->next; p->next = q->next; delete q; len--; } //SearchElem(e)按值查找 int SearchElem(Type e) { Node *p = head; int i = 0; while (p->next && p->data != e) { i++; p = p->next; } if (i == 0) return -1; else return i; } //SearchElem(i)按位查找 Type SearchElem(int i) { Node *p = head; int j = 0; while (p->next && j next; } return p->data; }private: Node *head; int len;};